crossfit #wod kettlebell sumo deadlift

Kettlebell Sumo Deadlifts – WOD Breakdown

crossfit #wod kettlebell sumo deadliftThe kettlebell sumo deadlifts tore me up!  So many of the GymPaws™ customers told me how much they love using GymPaws™ for their Crossfit® gloves that I started looking into the workout itself a bit more.  Bootcamp workouts or HIIT workouts are designed to be intense with little rest between performing several different exercises.

From my past experience as a personal trainer, I knew that proper form was key to avoid injury as well as to get the most benefit from your workouts.  If I were to throw myself straight into a class I would likely end up tweaking something or activating an old injury.  I decided to hire Corey White who’s one of my favorite Los Angeles Personal Trainers to breakdown each exercise and help me train condition myself before taking on a full bootcamp workout. 

Day one started with the Kettlebell Sumo Deadlift.  A modification of a traditional trap bar deadlift but it’s a bit easier to master.  It’s really a hybrid between a trap deadlift and a conventional deadlift. It’s really going to rely on your hamstring strength as well as hip mobility (which I soon discovered.)

Here’s how to do a Kettlebell Sumo Deadlift:

  1. Start with your feet slightly wider than shoulder width apart.  Your feet should rest naturally with toes slightly pointed outward.
  2. Grab your kettlebell with both hands (of course you should be wearing your GymPaws™ workout gloves.  Your starting position will be standing upright.
  3. Keep your abs tight, head upright and chest out.  As you lower the weight focus on pushing your butt out behind you.
  4. As you return to the upright position, focus on pushing with your heels and contracting your glutes (butt).

A couple of tips that I learned:

Tight hamstrings will limit your ability to perform this exercise effectively.  Be sure to warm up adequately before trying this exercise!

This exercise also relies on your hip mobility. I suggest working with a workout partner or having a personal trainer evaluate your form before adding this to your workout.  It’s really difficult to watch your own form… especially if you’re in a bootcamp gym or setting without mirrors.

I was getting a little frustrated at first until Corey pointed out my hip rotation or pelvic tilt. When you’re standing upright, the movement starts in your hips not your back.  When you return to the upright position, imagine “snapping” your hips forward (although you’re not actually doing that).

While I definitely felt this exercise in my hamstrings and glutes the next day, I was a little surprised how much I felt it in my abs as well. While you might do the kettlebell sumo deadlifts on “legs” day it can easily be incorporated into a total body workout or #wod.