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Crossfit Gloves Women – What are GymPaws?

It’s pretty simple really.  We were sick and tired of having nasty dry callused hands, but we hated wearing dorky bodybuilding gloves or weight lifting gloves.  Gym Paws came about by taking the best part of those stupid weight lifting gloves and making an alternative!  Before we knew it, the ideal Workout Glove was born!

If you’re never used weight lifting gloves or workout gloves you’re not alone.  Lot’s of people don’t use them because they think they are going to look silly in the gym or at their crossfit box.  Or they may be new to working out and haven’t realized that they need them just yet.  Once you workout with a pair of GymPaws® you’re going to realize just how much you love them.  Your workouts will be better because you don’t have to worry about a grip that slips!


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Why Are GymPaws® better for Crossfit Gloves Women?


Well let’s just cut to the chase… they’re LEATHER!  Don’t waste your money on impostors that are made of cheap materials.  GymPaws Workout Grips are constructed of the highest quality Leather and Neoprene.  What’s Neoprene you ask?  It’s probably the coolest material around!  Neoprene is what scuba diving gear is made of!  It wicks away sweat without absorbing it.  Now think about how much you sweat at your Bootcamp or Crossfit class?  Sweat is dripping from every pour of your body, and likely straight to your hands.  Regular weight lifting gloves trap all that nasty sweat.  GymPaws let the sweat evaporate all while keeping the palm of your hands super dry and more importantly, free to bust out that last set of pull ups!


top rated crossfit glovesCrossfit Gloves Women – How Should I Use My New GymPaws®?


You use them just like you would any other glove.  When you pull em out of the package you’ll see four finger loops on each grip.  Simply slide your fingers into the loops and give em a lil tug and you’re good to go!

Crossfit Gym Owners, Personal Trainers, Athletes and everyone in between love GymPaws – so much so that they are the Top Rated Exercise Glove on Amazon… and they’re not even a glove!

You’ve probably never thought of using workout gloves for things like Kettlebell Swings, but if you’ve done a Kettlebell Workout you know how hard it is to keep a hold of those damn things!

What about pull ups?  After you hit 20-30 pull ups not only are your biceps screaming, but the skin on your hands probably feels like it’s about to rip off.  What if you had a grip to prevent that?There’s nothing to lose by trying out a pair for yourself.  We offer 100% Satisfaction Guarantee!  What are you waiting for?

Try A Pair Now! >> 

Still don’t believe you need a pair of GymPaws®? Read some reviews: