Gym Related Hashtags

25 Top Fitness Hashtags And Definitions

Fitness Related Hashtags

Even if you’re not an avid user of Social Media, you likely know what a hashtag is.  You can’t even watch the nightly news without seeing them.  But what if you’re a #gymrat #fitnessaddict or #meathead and you’re wondering what are some of the top fitness hashtags being used.  We got you covered!

1. #gymrat

A gymrat is someone who spends  a majority of their freetime at the gym.

2. #instafit

For Instagram users, instafit is a popular hashtag.

3. #gymselfie

Pretty selfie explanatory.

4. #trainhard

Motivational. Very popular top fitness hashtag.

5. #gymcandy

That hot guy or hot girl at the gym that you look at and secretly drool over.

6. #eatclean

Reminder not to cruise though the drive thru on the way to Crossfit.

7. #swole

Being pumped (physically) after the gym.

8. #swolemate

Your swolemate is the person you pump with at the gym. Your soulmate is who you pump with at home.

9. #demgains

Stupid things meatheads say that are too lazy to spell “them.”

10. #meathead

A little slower in the head than a true gymrat.

Okay we’re about halfway through. Consider that one rep.  Now on to the next set.

25 Top Fitness Hashtags

Best Gym Hashtags

11. #swolegoals

Top Fitness hashtags that uses swole and goals.  If you can’t put it together stop reading.

12. #justbringit

Not a reminder to bring your gym gloves, but rather your motivation.

13. #girlswithmuscle

Girls that know their way around the weight lifting room as much as guys.

14. #girlswholift

Same thing.

15. #fitgirl

Check out some of our Hot GymPaws® Fit Girls for the definition.

16. #vshape

Same as v shaped abs. Its the abs definition that some lucky guys and girls can achieve.

17. #adonisbelt

Referring to 6 pack abs on hot guys.

18. #getswole

Motivation similar to the meaning of swole.

Gym Related Hashtags

19. #gains

Building muscle.. most likely from weight lifting

20. #bitchmittens

How meatheads refer to gym gloves or weight lifting gloves.

You should be working up a sweat by now.  If you are, we have some great Gym Gloves For Sweaty Hands 😉

21. #calluses

What stupid people use to tag their pics thinking somehow it shows the effort they put in at the gym.

22. #beastmode

One of the top fitness hashtags used by testosterone fueled gym rats.

23. #fitfam

Super popular tag who’s definition refers to a family of like minded peeps.

24. #fitnessfreaks

Mostly people who talking about going to the gym, but most haven’t seen a weight lifting room.

25. #igfitness

Instagram fitness.

Phew, okay that was a little bit annoying!  Thank goodness there are apps to search for fitness hashtags because who really wants to sit around typing all these out… they’re called hashtags for a reason.