Crossfit Gloves Girls and Selifies

Hot Crossfit Girls Pics – Summer Fire

Labor Day may be the metaphorical mark of the end of summer, but technically the first day of Autumn 2018 is  Saturday September 22, 2018. So what do hot Crossfit girls pics and the end of summer have in common? It is a state of mind actually. Studies show that this time of year is when millions of adults reknew their commitments to exercise, health and fitness.

Hot Crossfit Girls Pics

Basically those New Year’s resolutions so many of us abandoned in April are significant again towards the end of summer.  For parents this change is often triggered by the back to school hoopla.  They vow to be more organized, get to the gym and stay on top of their workout or weight lifting routines, and basically adjust to a changing schedule.

2018 Hot Crossfit Girls Pics

With a smokin sexy bikini bod like this, we’re pretty sure this California hot Crossfit girl hasn’t missed too many workouts over the summer.  Of course fitness may not be her cup of tea.  Bless those racing metabolisms that keep the body fat at bay.

Crossfit Gloves Girls and Selifies

Ahhh… the beloved #gymselfie. There’s nothing wrong with showing off your ripped up abs, because those of us that don’t have them know how much time at the gym and commitment went into getting a shredded six pack.

Hot Girls Who Lift Pics

Not sure if this ripped up body of muscle is from weight lifting, Crossfit workout or firefighting, but she’s clearly the epitome of hot girls who lift.

So if you’re ready to commit or recommit to your exercise, fitness, or workout goals we literally have you covered.  You can find GymPaws on Amazon at or of course right here on our website.  You can use your Amazon account to check out or Papal or credit card.  Whether it’s weight lifting, bodyweight, or Crossfit workout gloves can enhance your workout and optimize your time spent in the gym!