Crossfit Hand Protection

How Crossfit Gloves Protect Your Hands

Crossfit Hand ProtectionThere’s a lot of weird little gloves available online that claim to be the next best thing for CrossFit since the pull up bar, but are they hype or help?  Knowing which Crossfit Gloves to choose starts with understanding how crossfit gloves protect your hands in the first place. Some people think they don’t need hand protection and some people swear by it; so what should you choose?  Let’s explore a bit…

Gym Gloves, Lifting Grips, Hooks, Straps and Hybrids there are tons of options to choose from.  When it comes down to it the main purpose of the glove is to reduce the friction against your skin.  While some diehard gymrats will tell you that calluses are a sign of dedication and fitness they couldn’t be more wrong.

Callosity is a medical condition.  When excessive pressure and / or friction is placed against the skin, the body responds by producing thicker skin in the area.  These are calluses.  If left untreated they can grow thicker, get dry and even crack, which increases the likelihood of infection.Crossfit Hand Protection

How Crossfit Gloves Protect Your Hands

– Anything that acts as a barrier between your skin and the cold hard metal bar of the weight or pull up bar will reduce or eliminate friction.  If there is no abrasion against the skin, then calluses are not likely to develop.  Current calluses you may have will begin to dissipate.

Crossfit  Hand Protection

There is probably no better way to know how crossfit gloves protect your hands than to put a pair on and try them out. Some full workout gloves can be big and bulky, while other “gripper” gloves can be weak and flimsy. Look for a glove or grip made from Leather such as GymPaws if you’re looking for durability.

If you’re going the route of lifting grips, then you want something that has finger loops as well.  GymPaws have 4 finger loops to make sure that your grips stay in place even through the toughest workouts.  This is key because lifting grips that don’t somehow attach to the fingers will end up being more of a hindrance than a help.