2018 Best Workout Gloves

Tug Toner 2018 – Dynamic Resistance Training Example

2018 is here and you probably have the best intentions of sticking with your New Year’s Resolution to get back to the gym or mix up your workout a bit. The best intentions, best gym, even the best workout gloves will not help you get the results you want if you are not committed to training properly.  Frequency is of course important, but learning proper form is crucial to avoid injury and maximize the muscle building benefits of whichever exercise you are doing.  This Tug Toner 2018 Dynamic Resistance Training Example is funny to watch but it also provides are great visual example.

Tug Toner 2018 – Dynamic Resistance Training Example

Remember to consult a physician and / or your Personal Trainer before adding any new exercise to your workout.

Whether in the weightlifting room or Crossfit box, most exercises can be labeled as belonging to one of two groups: Isometric or Dynamic.  Here is the difference.

Dynamic Resistance Training

Isometric Training Workout

When a muscle is contracted and held in that position for a period of time it is being trained isometrically.  The muscle itself is not lengthening or shortening, it is remaining the same. An example of an isometric movement would be if you were to do a push up and hold position either at the top or the bottom.  Another example is holding an abs crunch.

Dynamic Resistance Training Workout

An exercise is considered dynamic when the muscle is both shortening and lengthening. Our Tug Toner 2018 video is a perfect example of this.  The biceps brachii (or biceps) is the muscle being trained in this video.  The bicep shortens while pulling against the resistance of the weight and lengthens in the lowering phase of the movement.  If you are doing a biceps curl you are performing a dynamic resistance movement.

2018 Best Workout Gloves

2018 Best Workout Gloves

We wish that they guys in this Tug Toner video were using a pair of GymPaws® (aka 2018 best workout gloves) but alas they are not.  No worries because you can check out our full exercise and fitness catalog on http://www.amazon.com/shops/gympaws or of course right here on our website.  You can use your Amazon or Paypal account to checkout or a credit card.