New Leather Gym Gloves – What to Buy?

new leather gym glovesYou’ve been hitting it hard at the gym, crossfit box, or bootcamp class and it’s time to get a pair of new leather gym gloves.  What should you buy and what’s the difference?  Let’s break down the advantages and disadvantages of leather gym gloves or leather lifting grips versus other options available to you:

  1. Leather is better.  There’s no way around it and no argument to be had!  You bust your butt in the gym and let’s face it your hands take the brunt of the work (unless it’s leg day) and you need a substantial gym glove that’s going to take some serious beating.  Fabric gloves just won’t do the trick.  If you’d like to see what a fabric gym glove feels like, try using your gym towel wrapped around a dumbbell and do a curl.  Kind of annoying right?  Not only does it not improve your grip, but it probably slips around and makes you feel even more uncomfortable with the movement!  Leather gym gloves offer superior durability which means they’ll last a long time.  In addition to that they offer added protection between you and whatever weight you’re trying to move.
  2. The difference between full hand leather gym gloves and a fingerless leather lifting grip is pretty self-explanatory but we’ll review here anyway for the sake of discussion.  The advantage of a leather lifting grip is that it does not restrict movement as a full gym glove does.  Because the leather grip is just in the palm of your hand you have full mobility, not to mention the protection is exactly where you need it… in the palm of your hands

The other advantage is that there is no sweaty build up.  You’ll find with full hand leather gym gloves they tend to absorb moisture and sweat.  This is just gross!  The gloves will actually shrink up as they dry which makes them stiff and even more uncomfortable the next time you try to use them.  Not to mention that they will seriously start to smell!

Hopefully at this point you’ve come to a decision on which type of new leather gym gloves you’re going to buy.  If not perhaps you could do a little research or even ask to try out a pair of your friend’s gym gloves.  GymPaws™ Leather Gym Gloves are awesome because they’re not even a glove!  Give em a try and they will probably become your new best workout buddy!